
Waverley Life Activities Club Inc

Happy Hour

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$0.00 per session
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Graeme Horskins

Convenor Graeme Horskins Ph.9802 7925 Assistant Convenor: Bryan 98075795

Happy Hour will now be held at Sofia Restaurant, 299 Burwood Highway, Burwood East Phone 98035299

Gatherings take place on the third Friday of each month at Sofia Restaurant. The evening commences from 5:30pm onwards and we pay individually for food and corkage. LIcensed for BYO wine only. - $3:00 corkage per wine drinker.  Beer and soft drink can be purchased from the bar

Cash payment only, no credit card please. 

Numbers attending will be appreciated by the restuarant which means our attendance book will remain in operation. Please email or phone Graeme 98027925 if you be attending in February, then the attendance book will operate. So please phone the appropriate convenor to make a booking if you do not have your name in the book from the previous month.

We will be situated as a group to the right of the restuarant, simply mention LAC group to any staff member who will be able to direct you.



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